Co-POWeR Policy Brief Launch at Westminster

On the morning of Wednesday 15 June, Co-POWeR will present its policy recommendations at the Launch of the Policy Brief, in Portcullis House, Westminster, London.
Hosted by Naz Shah, MP, and supported by the Women's Budget Group and the Race and Community APPG, Co-POWeR will present on the experiences of Black, Asian, and minority ethnic families and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how policymakers and parliamentarians can work together to improve the resilience of BAME communities.
Join via Zoom livestream to hear directly from Co-POWeR researchers, research participants, and community engagement members.
The recording of the event will be available on the Co-POWeR website in due course.
Zoom Livestream Joining Details:
Meeting ID: 813 4460 5800
Passcode: $x0Kq&