Generation Delta Goldsmiths Studentships: Call for Applicants

Generation Delta Goldsmiths Studentships: Call for Applicants for Entry, September 2022.
Deadline for receipt of applications, 17:00 on Friday, 10 June.
The Graduate School is very pleased to announce the call for applications for two Generation Delta Goldsmiths Studentships, for doctoral study. This initiative builds on and contributes to the recently launched OFS / Research England project Generation Delta: Building Routes into Professorship for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Women that seeks to redress barriers to access and participation in doctoral study for racialised students generally and women of colour in particular. While Generation Delta Goldsmiths Studentships are open to all eligible applicants from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds in any field of study at Goldsmiths, University of London, it is anticipated that at least one award will be made to a woman of colour who are the group most underrepresented nationally in terms of doctoral study and studentship funding. Applicants must be new or continuing doctoral students who will not have completed more than 1 year Full-time or 2 years Part-time registration by September, 2022. Awards may be held on a full or part-time basis, pro-rata, over 3 years (FT) and 6 years (PT) and are equivalent to fully funded UKRI studentships which cover Home fees and offer an annual FT stipend of £18,062, together with a small annual research training and support fund of £750 (£350 for PT study). The studentships are not available for those with overseas tuition fee status and applicants who have already completed an initial period of registration will normally only be awarded a studentship for the period of the registration period remaining (exclusive of the completion/writing up period).
Application procedure and deadline
To apply for a studentship, you will need to complete the Generation Delta Scholarship application form, via the online form.
The following is a summary of the information and attachments that will be requested on the form. If you have any queries about these scholarships, please email the Graduate School using the subject heading ‘Generation Delta Goldsmiths Application – [Your Surname].
1. Applicant details:
You will be asked to supply your name, contact address, email and mobile numbers. You will also be asked to confirm the following:
a) that you have applied for or been accepted on to a place to study for the MPhil/PhD at Goldsmiths by the deadline for receipt of applications. Please provide your applicant number.
b) that you are a home student, i.e.
- Are a UK National (meeting residency requirements), or
- Have settled status, or
- Have pre-settled status (meeting residency requirements), or
- Have indefinite leave to remain or enter
c) your gender identification and preferred form of address together with confirmation that you qualify as an applicant from a BAME background
2. Proposal:
Please upload a proposal of no more than 2000 words outlining briefly a) the programme of research including research questions, practice and methodology, as well as ethical considerations; b) contribution to field of study, practice and/or policy and social impact; c) timeline and schedule of work.
3. Personal Statement:
Please upload a personal statement of no more than 500 words describing how your previous work/life/educational experiences to date has prepared you for and/or informs the research work proposed and how you will benefit from and contribute to the research environment at Goldsmiths.
4. Two references (one of whom must be from a proposed or current supervisor):
References should comment, as appropriate, on your academic record to date, your research plans and your preparedness for doctoral study, as well as in the case of proposed supervisor, the suitability of the supervisory team and wider research environment.
Deadline for receipt of applications, 17:00 on Friday, 10 June.
Selection Criteria
- Research proposal’s quality and feasibility of work plan as outlined in research proposal and in references.
- Preparedness for and commitment to research as outlined in the personal statement and references.
- Appropriateness of supervisory team and potential contribution to research environment at Goldsmiths as indicated in personal statement and supervisor reference.
- As a reminder, it is anticipated that at least one award will be made to a woman of colour who will be invited to become a Generation Delta Champion and contribute to the work and networking activities of the Generation Delta Project.
Selection Process
- All applications will be reviewed by an internal selection panel chaired by Prof Farzana Shain.
All candidates will be notified of the outcome of the selection process by Friday, 1 July.
Thursday, 19 May (1-2pm UK time) - Applicant information session Click here to join the meeting
Friday, 10 June (5pm UK time) - Deadline for receipt of Applications
Week commencing 20 June - Selection Panel Meets
Friday 1 July - All candidates notified of outcome.