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Professor Padmadas awarded Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences


Congratulations to Co-POWeR’s Sabu Padmadas, Professor of Demography and Global Health at the University of Southampton, who has been conferred the award of Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences.

New Fellows are awarded for the excellence and impact of their work, and for their wider contributions to the social sciences for public benefit. Through leadership, scholarship, applied research, policymaking, and practice, they help to develop the understanding of, and address some of the toughest challenges facing our society and the world.

Professor Padamas said:

I am truly delighted to receive this honour and recognition from the Academy of Social Sciences. I wholeheartedly dedicate this Fellowship to the University, my wonderful colleagues and students at Social Statistics and Demography, our professional services, and exceptional researchers from across continents, who have supported and inspired me to grow intellectually and professionally over the last two decades.

Read the full article by the University of Southampton.