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Work Package 4: Physical Activity and Nutrition

About Work Package 4:

This aspect of the Co-POWeR project focuses on Physical Activity and Nutrition (Work Package 4). 

Please take a few moments to view this short video developed by the WP4 research team.

Our Aims:

Through this project, we aim to:  

  • Understand how the pandemic has affected the physical activity and diet of people from Black, Asian and Minority ethnic backgrounds living in the UK 
  • Identify the reasons why people in these communities do not engage in as much physical activity and / or eat healthy foods
  • Understand how we can best be supported to engage in more physical activity and eat healthier foods 
  • Understand how public health messages and recommendations can be developed in a way that is more suitable and relevant to the people in these communities 
  • Work together with you to find effective ways to help people to have a more physically active lifestyle and to eat more healthily.  

Does this sound interesting to you? If so, please see below for more information and find out how to get involved. 

2019, 2020, 2021 and still counting…

The COVID-19 pandemic entered the shores of our world and almost everything we know of life changed significantly. Our own health and wellbeing, and that of our loved ones has also taken an enormous hit. This is why - through the Physical Activity and Nutrition research aspect of the Co-POWeR Project - we are taking action to address these problems in our communities. However, we cannot achieve this without you... the members of these communities.  

Get involved:

We want to hear from you. We want to work with you. 

  • Tell us your stories and experiences of eating and engaging in physical activity during the pandemic, and how these have changed so far. 
  • Tell us what support you and your community need to lead healthier lives, eat healthier meal, and engage in more physical activity.
  • Work with us to create solutions and recommendations to the government to solve these problems.

Make your voice heard by being a part of the Co-POWeR project. Make changes today to positively impact the history of tomorrow! 

How can I help? 

  • Invite your friends and others in your community to get involved by sharing this link: 
  • Join us and be at the heart of Co-POWeR. 

Activities and Events:

Image #1 - Untold Stories event poster (14/10/21)

Image #2 - Poetic piece written by M. Bahrami-Hessari at the Untold Stories event

Image #3 - Visual piece created by R. Kaur at the Untold Stories event

Members of WP4:

Work package lead: Professor Maria Stokes

Research fellow: Olatundun Gafari